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OUGD404 // What is a line // Reserach

After categorising the TV dramas i would focus on, i looked at some illustrators that i liked the work of to see what style i could start to experiment with for my zine.

Julien Opie

ulian Opie (born 1958[2]) is a visual artist, and one of the New British Sculpture movement.

n his portraiture, the human face is sometimes characterised by black outlines with flat areas of colour, and minimalised detail, to the extent that an eye can become just the black circle of the pupil, and sometimes a head is represented by a circle with a space where the neck would be, Opie tries to portray someone's personality in as little detail as possible.
Opie uses computers in art for other works. His Imagine you are... series, demonstrated how activities such as driving, walking and climbing could be represented by simple reductions. In addition, Opie uses sculpture and light installations to present items of everyday life.

Quite a unique style. I like the idea of using outlines to create the form of a body, I'm not a massive fan of Julien Opie faces but I do like the clean outlines and colour schemes he uses. 

Michael Craig Martin

Michael Craig-Martin RA (born Dublin, 28 August 1941) is a contemporary conceptual artist and painter.

I'm a big fan of Michael Craig Martin's wall murals and paintings. He uses clean outlines and bold colours of collaged objects. I will for sure be taking influencing from this type of work when i'm creating my illustrations. 

Mr Bingo

Similar artist to michael craig martin in the fact that he creates quite simple clean line illustrations that work so well. Another direct influence for my work. I want to work with colour but also outline, as outlined in me self initiated brief.

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