[strech]verb (used with object)I then drew a few more words that may help me when thinking about designing my letters:-
to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.)to the full length or extent (often followed by out ): tostretch oneself out on the ground.
to hold out, reach forth, or extend (one's arm, head, etc.).
to extend, spread, or place (something) so as to reach fromone point or place to another: to stretch a rope across aroad.
to draw tight or taut: to stretch the strings of a violin.
to lengthen, widen, distend, or enlarge by tension: tostretch a rubber band.
to draw out, extend, or enlarge unduly: The jacket wasstretched at the elbows.
to extend, force, or make serve beyond the normal orproper limits; strain: to stretch the imagination; to stretchthe facts; to stretch food to feed extra guests; to stretchmoney to keep within a budget.
to extend or strain (oneself) to the utmost, as by intenseexertion; tax.
to increase the quantity of (a beverage, food, paint, etc.) bydilution or admixing: They caught the bartender stretchingthe gin with water.
Radio and Television . to prolong or slow down (action orpace) in order not to end too early: to stretch a show; tostretch the action two minutes.
Source // Dictionary\
- Expand
- Draw Out
- Spread
- Elastic
- Lengthen
- Widen
- Extend
- Tension
- Strain
- Tight
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